Sunday, September 7, 2008

Cellophane Intruder

I was by the window when I noticed it. It loomed large in the distance, flapping slightly in the draft from the air conditioning vent. I was not sure exactly what it was, but it had invaded my home. It was my own fault really. It must have snuck in while my back was turned; foolish me – I had been distracted by something outside, while the real threat was entering my home. I jumped down from my window perch to get a closer look. I still could not determine what it was, so I made my way closer toward where it sat, on the ledge that divided the kitchen and the living room. As I grew closer, I could see that it was of an unsual shape, and as the breeze from the vent hit it again, it seemed to change form. “A shape-shifter!” I thought. I had heard about such phenomena in science fiction movies, but I did not know that they actually existed.
I moved a little closer, slowly, and crouched down. I began to give it a warning. “Grrrrrr…. get out of my house.” I said in my most menacing voice. But despite my intimidating glare, the thing did not move. It just sat there, refusing to vacate my home. “Leave the premises immediately!” I shouted. But nothing happened. And then I heard giggling coming from the other room; it was my parents. What was wrong with them? An intruder had entered our home, and all my parents could do was to laugh. Had they gone insane with fear? I had always known this would happen. Now it was up to me to take care of us. I would have to resort to my primal roots; prey and hunt, eat uncooked meat, and then drag home the leftovers for them. As I delved further into my daydream of my future life, I heard shuffling behind me. It was Dad. He didn’t exactly look like he had lost his mind, but he was smiling. “Good, reinforcements,” I thought. I let out another deep growl. “We’ve got you now, intruder!” I shouted.
Then Dad did a strange thing. He grabbed the stranger, folded it up, and put it in the closet. Maybe he has gone mad. As long as he can still remember how to feed me though, it will all be alright.

Written by: Pudgy
Copyright 2008 The Pudgy Chronicles

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